Resilience is the ability
to cope with and recover
from setbacks...
is about replenishing and restoring healthy, abundant, just and nurturing lives, communities, organisations, cities, regions, ecosystems and societies.
Resilience is the ability
to cope with and recover
from setbacks...
...and Regeneration is about
replenishing and restoring
healthy, abundant, just and nurturing
lives, communities, organisations,
cities, regions, ecosystems and societies.
The environmental crisis has already deeply rooted...and will significantly hurt the global humanity...we won't escape from it...but we can try to soften its impact...and create many more oases of regenerative living around the world...
We already know most of the solutions to resolve our environmental-social-economic crisis...what we are truly missing is the will to do it...the want to implement these solutions in our life, family, at work and in our community...the choice is our's...
As many more people globally will experience significant environmental, social and economic crisis...they will look for new ideas and solutions...a new mindset, spirituality, consciousness, purpose and try to resolve their problems... adapt...become more resilient...and avoid further creating impacts that generate even more problems...from their life, family, their work and community short become more resilient & regenerative...
These topics of resilience and regeneration...its associated new mindset...all the subtopics of health, wellness, environmental care, human rights etc...and now the new risks associated with the climate & nature crisis...are not really taught at school, in the workplace or in the community...and such information and know-how is far from being available and shared with everyone around the world...
With this in mind...we also strongly believe that origin, language, education or money
should not be reasons for failing to live a resilient & regenerative life...and that existing rules, established interests and ideological agendas should not be reasons for individuals, families, organisations and communities to fail to become resilient & regenerative...
Now is an opportune moment to bring such new mindset knowledge & solutions to all generations around the world... more than 5bn people aged up to 50 years they will all experience more severe challenges over the coming 30+ years...and will all seek for new that together... we can co-create a new resilient and regenerative world...
regeneration4all will provide...
...a "new generation" hub of knowledge, training, coaching, forums, networks, innovation, and access to financing & expertise...for everyone to become more resilient & their life, at work and in their community...if they choose to do so...
...and new research and innovation impetus to discover and implement new and more resilient & regenerative ways of being and living...
regeneration4all will cover both human mindset topics as well as technical/ system solutions for all aspects of human activities and impacts...
regeneration4all will engage
with people globally in their own language and bio-socio-economic-cultural context...and will be available for free...
will deliver its global mission by both amplifying all the existing fantastic initiatives, solutions and examples that are already helping us become more resilient and well as investing in new content, research and innovation of new solutions as required.
The environmental crisis has already started...
is deeply rooted...
and will significantly hurt the global humanity...
we won't escape from it...
but we can try to soften its impact...
and create many more oases of regenerative living around the world.
We already know
most of the solutions
to resolve our environmental-social- economic crisis...
what we are truly missing is the will to do it...
the want to implement these solutions
in our life, family, at work and in our community...
the choice is our's...
As many more people globally
will experience
significant environmental, social and economic crisis...
they will look for new ideas and solutions...
a new mindset, spirituality, consciousness, purpose and ethics...
to try to resolve their problems...
adapt...become more resilient...
and avoid further creating impacts that generate even more problems...
from their life, family, their work and community activities...
in short become more resilient & regenerative...
These topics of resilience and regeneration...
its associated new mindset...
...all the subtopics of
health, wellness, environmental care, human rights etc...
and now the new risks associated with the climate & nature crisis...
are not really taught at school, in the workplace or in the community...
and such information and know-how
is far from being available and shared
with everyone around the world...
With this in mind...
we also strongly believe
that origin, language, education or money
should not be reasons
for failing to live a resilient & regenerative life...
...and that existing rules,
established interests and ideological agendas
should not be reasons
for individuals, families, organisations and communities
to fail to become resilient & regenerative...
Now is an opportune moment
to bring such new mindset knowledge & solutions
to all generations around the world...
more than 5bn people aged up to 50 years old...
as they will all experience
more severe challenges
over the coming 30+ years...
and will all seek for new solutions...
so that together...
we can co-create
a new resilient and regenerative world...
regeneration4all will provide...
...a "new generation" hub of knowledge, training, coaching,
forums, networks, innovation, and access to financing & expertise...
for everyone to become more resilient & regenerative...
in their life, at work and in their community...
if they choose to do so...
...and new research and innovation impetus
to discover and implement
new and more resilient & regenerative ways
of being and living...
regeneration4all will cover topics related to both
a proposed new mindset
as well as technical/ system solutions
for all aspects of human activities and impacts...
regeneration4all will engage
with people globally
in their own language
and bio-socio-economic-cultural context...
and will be available for free...
regeneration4all will deliver its global mission
by both amplifying
all the existing fantastic initiatives, solutions and examples
that are already helping us become more resilient and regenerative... well as invest
in new content, research and innovation of
new solutions as required.
This initial concept has been developed by a collective of friends who are all keen to make this world a better place
for all today and for future generations...
We fully recognise that much more work and many more experts are needed to further detail and build this initiative...and bring it to life!
Join in to collaboratively
co-create and
help us make it happen!
This initial concept has been developed
by a collective of friends
who are all keen to make
this world a better place
for all today and for future generations...
We fully recognise that
much more work
and many more experts are needed
to further detail and build this initiative...
...and bring it to life!
Join in to collaboratively co-create
and help us make it happen!